I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Holiday Shopping Extravaganza

Since the weather would not permit last week, I put off my big holiday shopping day until tomorrow. There will be much to shop for when Christa and I make our way up to Appleton. I am working on gifts for staff, as well as gifts for the Residence Life and GCC gift exchanges. There is a beer and hard liquor exchange I need to prepare for as well...really, it's quite fun and we don't drink any of it at the party. There are a few church gift programs we are working on as well. It should be a busy day.

Friday and Sunday will be my days to relax. Friday will likely involve watching the Transformers Movie...you know, the good one. Sunday will involve watching football, specifically the Packer game which will be at noon central time.