I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Reading the Message

As I reflected upon the purpose of Lent, I realize that there is a lot of emphasis on "giving something up" for Lent. Lent is a time of mental preparation for the celebration of the Easter festival. Last year, I decided to give up soda and that was actually an interesting experience in sacrifice. I learned something from the experience and I appreciate self-denial can help in the preparatory feeling of Lent.

This year, I decided to go a different route. Instead of giving something up, I decided to add something new. I have begun a ritual of reading part of the Bible each day. This is something I plan on keeping up after Lent. I am currently reading from the Pedersen The Message translation of the Bible. I decided to start with the New Testament. This is the longest span I have read the Bible in a row...ever. Sad in a way, but also exciting. :)


Adam Jeske said...


The Message is sitting in my office, but I've been in the NRSV lately. I've only found time for snippets of Psalms lately, but had been chewing on John and Numbers, and had just started Romans, too.

Good idea for Lent. I didn't really give up anything or make any goals. It's been caffeine the last couple years.

You've got some very good thoughts on here. I read back into January. I'll be back soon.

Adam J.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your plan to add something to Lent this year. Though not a practicing Christian, I remember my catechism teachers encouraging us to choose something to "give up" and not understanding why forgoing candy for a month would bring me closer to God. In reflection, I view it as an exercise of self-sacrifice for a higher need. Adapting your life journey by adopting spiritual practices seems like an exercise is self-sacrifice as well - and one that may have a more profound effect than the lack of chocolate I experienced as a youth. Good luck with your goal!