I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday Morning Catch-Up

As I have begun my Monday at work and have had a few moments to reflect back on the last few days, I have a right to be exhausted. This has been quite an emotional time for me.

Becoming a certified candidate for Methodist ministry is a relief, I must admit. It is a good feeling to know that I can continue in the ministry process as Christa and I contemplate our status for June 2009. It does, however, open many doors and create a new feeling of uncertainty. I now need to start thinking about what path I wish to follow. Do I want to go toward ordination? Do I want to continue down the path of licensed ministry? Where would I be interested in working? I have been telling folks that I want to enjoy this moment before I continue my path.

My legs have a slight residual soreness from the half marathon. I think by tomorrow they might be ready for a little running. I want to avoid last year where after the half marathon I pretty much gave up on exercise until September. With no wedding planning and no NACURH this spring, I think time for working out will present itself. I am hoping to keep a good thing going.

A few more nights sleep and a few good days of work to catch up will go a long way. So far so good.