I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Post-WURHA Update

The WURHA Conference at Marquette University was a wonderful experience. There are some pictures from the conference on my Facebook profile. They are all PG rating. The conference was well-planned and executed well. I was very impressed with conference staff and facilities at Marquette.

At this conference, I was given the Distinguished Service Award by the president of the WURHA organization. I was very touched by the award and I think it serves as the perfect way for me to end my two-year tenure as the advisor for WURHA.

I am excited to see Steph take over the WURHA advisor duties and I am interested to see who will bid for the WURHA Advisor-Elect position at the French Dip Conference coming up in April. I know Steph and I tried to do some recruiting...we will see who takes the plunge.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Career Opportunities Part III - Student Affairs

To complete my thoughts on future careers, I have also thought about staying in the field of student affairs. After all, I got a Master's Degree in College Student Personnel...I should probably do something with it.

Obviously, I can not be a hall director for ever. So, in three years or so I will need to figure out what position to move to. I have thought about being a hall director at another school, but I think Christa and I will be done with living in. I have thought about getting a position working with student conduct or perhaps taking an assistant director position at a larger institution. I think the OPE conference this week will get me thinking about student affairs jobs.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a WURHA update.

Monday, February 20, 2006

I recently saw this message posted as part of an AOL profile. I will leave names and screen names out of the picture:

"It's really sad when people enjoy trying to hurt others...but there is peace in knowing that God gives better revenge than anyone could ever do. God is just. God is fair. God is good. :)"

As a Christian, I find this incredibly troubling. The last three sentences, I have no issue with..>I would agree that God is just, fair and good. But to talk about God exacting revenge on anyone seems to be a very unchristian statement to make. God is all-loving and all-caring and would surely not give out revenge that is considered better. When thinking about God giving out revenge, I would never be at peace...I would be deeply troubled.

I mostly commented on this because as a Christian is caused me to re-evaluate my faith and it strengthed it even more knowing that God loves all people regardless and knows that even with bad intents, they may be shown the way.

I would really appreciate people's thoughts on this.

FUMC Youth Group

I am a member of First United Methodist Church in Oshkosh and along with another member of the congregation, we are starting a youth group (grades 7th - 12th) at the church. We had our second meeting last night, but it was the first night I was able to go. The first meeting was during the Super Bowl...I know, I know priorities.

It was actually a really good time! The kids were fun to hang out with, and along with prayer and bible study we were able to have playing pool, ping pong and foosball. We also played a game called "Bible Challenge". Sadly, being the adult for the group, it was assumed that my group could lean on me for answers. No such luck...it again re-emphasizes my need to become for familiar with the Good Book.

While I feel as though I am dangerously close to being overcommitted to the church, this is a fun and enjoyable way to help out. Afterward, Cara and I had a good one hour discussion about where our church is and where it can go. I am pretty motivated!

Friday, February 17, 2006


The winter storm...again, a little disappointing. While we did get some serious snow, it was not even close to as much as they were predicting...typical.

I wanted to give you a link to the WURHA organization. For those of you reading that do not know, I advise this organization. We have our big conference from February 24-26 at Marquette University. Take some time to read about it.

I am also helping a friend move tomorrow. He has over 20 people helping...how mush stuff can he have?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Winter Storm

If you are reading this and you are not from the Wisconsin-area, we are in the middle of what looks like a major blizzard. I usually scoff at snow predictions where 12 inches are predicted, but it always falls short. I don't think that will be the case today. It only 10:30 am and there is already some significant snow on the ground and with the wind gusts, I can only assume that the drifts are going to be huge.

We are doing CA/PA interviews today and tonight and I was scheduled for an interview during a church council meeting. I went through a lot of work to get someone to take that interview...and because of the weather the chuch council meeting ended up getting cancelled. Nice.

Well, let's see of the Chancellor shuts down the University for the day...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Quick Thought

Psalms 46:10 : "Be still, and know that I am God."

When things get busy and you are unsure of how it will all get done, think of this verse. Bono himself says that this is his favorite verse from the Bible. I would also agree with him. Take some time to center yourself and realize that He has plan that will allow everything to work out.

In a time when I am busy with WURHA, OPE and church concerns, this is very, very helpful.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

Ok...so, I don't hate on Valentine's Day as much as some people might, but I will say that I struggle with the point. When I did not have a significant other, it was easy to be frustrated with the day...ignorance was bliss. In fact, I have not had too many relationships that occurred over the Valentine's Day period.

However, now being engaged, I do not feel much loyalty to Valentine's Day. Why designate one day to show love or affection for someone? Isn't that something you should be doing all the time? Couldn't you choose your own day to recognize this? Is it a conspiracy by Halmark? Who knows.

All I know is that I love Christa and will celebrate by simply wishing her a Happy Valentine's Day (whatever that means)...and perhaps with a card. :)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Ski Trip

It has been a busy past few days, so I sorry for the delay in posting. But I am quick to jump back into the routine.

Yesterday, Christa and I went to Nordic Mountain in Mt. Morris, WI. I had not been skiing in 15 years, so I was pretty apprehensive about skiiing. Also, having broken my wrist a little more than a year ago, I was scared about what would happen if I fell. While initially thinking that I would not ski, I decided a few hours before I left that it would be more fun to actually ski then to sit around and watch.

It is hard to judge this facility against others as I don't have a good recollection of my experiences at Little Switzerland or Sunbust. What I can say is that Nordic Mountain has one of the most confusing and congested systems for check-in.

The line to begin the payment process, if it at all long, forces you to wait outside. The hallway itself is very thin and keep you pretty cramped. They only offer enough desk space for one person to pay at a time. If people have already paid they are allowed to go past the payment deskm, which while convenient for them, only generates more confusion. After you pay, you then go to a long desk where you can pick up your boots. They only offer one room for you to put your boots on and it only accomodates maybe 20-30 people. When large groups are going through it is very difficult to get yoru boots on. When done, you go and get your skis, which isn't too bad, but you also have to prove to the instructors that you know how to put your skis on. Then you get your polls...then you go ski.

It took us 45 minutes to go through the process so we could actually ski! Yikes. Anyway, a fun time was had by all.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Pat McCurdy

Last night Pat McCurdy was playing at Fratello's Lounge in Oshkosh. It seems that he plays there once a month. Friends of mine have been out there to see him and I decided it was about time that I went and checked it out.

I honestly have not been a big fan of Pat McCurdy, but I have seen him a few times. As the evening went on Pat sang a song that had a three-part chorus. He taught the crowd how to sing each of the three parts. With a music background, it was not too difficult to pick out the three parts and be able to sing them. With a crowded bar it was difficult for anyone (including myself) to hear the parts.

At one point, Pat if anyone had the parts down and I volunteered for the high part. So, her I got to be on stage with Pat McCurdy and sing the chorus for one of his songs. Perhaps I am to be envied...you tell me, Pat McCurdy fans :). Here is the song I sang the chorus for: Secret Life

And...the Bucks won last night in double overtime.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Top Ten Movies

Oh well...I have been struggling to come up with topics to discuss. My apologies if it feels like my posts have been a little forced. I am trying to keep in the habit of posting once each day; I have done very well. Sometimes, the ideas are not there and I am trying to keep it going. Today, I would like to share what I would coinsider to be my ten favorite movies (I have created links to the Internet Movie Database to explain each of the movies):

Kung Fu
Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
The Great Escape
The Godfather
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Sting
The Shawshank Redemption
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sports Musings

The Bucks lost to the Cavaliers...they really need to string some wins together here. While I appreciate that they are doing better then anyone would have expected, they need to be consistent. It is my hope that down the stretch as this team buildd chemistry they will really make some noise in the east.

The Brewers are looking pretty solid this year. I think their starting line-up pitching and otherwise will be solid. Their expectations will be higher however, so let's hope they keep it up. It would be nice to have a couple Milwaukee teams finishing above .500.

I have some time before I need start expressing my frustrations with the Packers. Get back to me this summer :).

As of now, I really don't have too much to comment on. Let me know your sports thoughts if you have them.

Monday, February 06, 2006


There are times when I truly get frustrated with where our society places its emphasis. We are a society now that looks to make sure our children have high self-esteem and feel good about themselves. While that may seem noble, it means that kids have no concept of positive competition, looking out for themselves and challenging themselves to do better. While I don't agree with everything this guys says, Domenick Maglio has the right idea:


A few conversations this week got my dander up about this issue. Ask me sometime whether I think college is a privilege or a right...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Favre Wants to be Traded?

Hmm...according to Mr. Whitlock, Favre does not want to retire. He actually wants to be traded. I don't actually believe that, and I think most Packer fans assume that Brett began his career in Green Bay and would prefer to end it here. But, if you think about it, the thought of a trade does make some sense.

  • Favre could get traded to a playoff-caliber team and would have the opportunity to make the playoffs and chase down one more SuperBowl title. Green Bay definitely looks like it's in the re-building stage and won't be a playoff worthy team.
  • Green Bay could get some decent players and/or picks back for Favre and might make rebuilding a little quicker. They also have the chance to see if Rogers is any good at QB.
  • The Packers also could free up a lot of cap space with which to go after some free agents.
  • Favre could go someplace closer to home, as Whitlock says Miami and Tampa Bay are options.
  • The Packer organization would get lambasted by the fans. Packer nation would be bitter about the trade for years to come.
  • Favre would be going the route of Joe Montana with the Chiefs...it could be sad to see an aging quarterback just not be what they used to be.
  • Oh, to be a Packer fan and see Brett succeed with another team that makes it to the playoffs. That would be hard to watch.
In the end, I don't think a trade would happen. But...what are your thoughts on this intriguing possibility.

Friday, February 03, 2006

My Weekend

This is how I am feeling today:


Saturday will be a great day to catch up.

Barbershop Singing

Over the course of the fall semester, I have had the opportunity to get to know a resident in my building named Alex. He is always listening to barbership music at the desk and as someone who loved barbershop music in high school and college, it was nice to have a kindred spirit. I used to listen to barbershop all the time and sang in quartets in high school. Looking back on it, I'm not sure why I stopped singing and appreciating that form of music.

Perhaps some day I can devote an entry to how I shut music out of my life to some degree after I graduated college. For now, I can say that Alex invited me to a chorus in Appleton called "Pride of the Valley". I wasn't sure what to expect and when we did some initial warm-ups, I still was not sure what to expect. But, when we divided into our first chord during warm-ups...I was hooked.

It was an awesome music...hearing the tight harmonies and the buzzing of a perfectly tuned chord...I realized what I was missing. I am really looking forward to being in another choir experienve to complement my work in the church choir.

My first music eduational teacher would talk about the aesthetic experience of music...I definitely had one last night.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A First

I bought my first I-Tune last night. I guess I am hooked. $0.99 on the Credit Card. I love it!

Thought-Provoking Song

Christa and I recently saw the movie Glory Road. While I did not find it to be a great movie, it was still entertaining and had a very good message: http://imdb.com/title/tt0385726/

In a movie that deals with the issue of racial tension in America, I found this song that they used to be very movie. It is played right before the ending credits and you find out what each of the players does after their career at Texas Western. The songs was first performed by The Impressions in 1965 and was written by Curtis Mayfield:

People get ready, there's a train comin'
You don't need no baggage, you just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'
You don't need no ticket you just thank the lord

People get ready, there's a train to Jordan
Picking up passengers coast to coast
Faith is the key, open the doors and board them
There's hope for all among those loved the most
There ain't no room for the hopeless sinner whom would hurt all mankind
Just to save his own
Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner
For there is no hiding place against the kingdoms throne

People get ready there's a train comin'
You don't need no baggage, just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'
You don't need no ticket, just thank the lord.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Career Opportunities - Part II (Ministry)

As I think about my career options beyond the RHD position, I have also contemplated going back to school to get my Master's so that I could go into the Methodist ministry. This is a path that I think about on a daily basis, but I think my religion and my relationship to God plays an ever increasing role in my life and how I choose to lead it.

I do feel a call to pursue a career of faith, and as I continue my faith journey I will be able to make a better assessment as to if that is the best choice for me.