I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Friday, April 24, 2009


As with many things in life, I am late to catch on to the latest trends out there. If there's a new video out there on YouTube that is all the rage, I am the last to know about it. One of my staff members let me know about Kittens Inspired by Kittens. Apparently this has been popular for months...guess I missed out. I must say that I caught on the Susan Boyle phenomenon quicker than many, but that was because of my dad.

Just last night, I downloaded a new game for the XBox 360 called Peggle. This game came out for the PC in 2007, and several other editions have come out in the last few years. I finally caught on and started playing the game. It is addictive. Again I miss out on the latest trends ;).