I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Productive Day of Non-Productivity

For the first time in a long time, I have almost an entire weekend with no significant obligations. Today, I had a wonderful time doing nothing! Two major brekthroughs today.

Star Wars Battlefront II - I managed to gain "legendary" status in another reward category. This was especially cool because I earned many of the rewards in the cooperative mode in Galactic Conquest. I think Christa appreciated getting back into the Battlefront mode. Now my character has four permanent bonuses in all scenarios. Time to work on more. I must have played Battlefront 4 hours today. Sweet!

Texas Hold 'em - As I am writing this blog entry, I am playing poker on partypoker.net. It's not too badm, and you play for free...no money. I couldn't really tell you if I am any good or not, I have only played Texas Hold 'Em a few times. The more games that I play the better I feel about some of the basics of the game. Now, playing on-line is one thing...I am intrigued to see how this all works out playing against people in person. I'll keep you posted.