I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Small Things

So, I went to Blackhawk Commons this morning to get my breakfast to bring back to the office. My to-go container in hand I made it over to the fruit section. They had bananas!!! They haven't bananas available since I started in Blackhawk in July. I have to say I was pretty excited. It's funny when you get really excited about something that most other people would view as pretty minor. It made me think of other small things that make my day:
  • Walking into a store and finding out out they provide Ford gumballs in their machines.
  • Finding out it's Brat or Taco Day in Blackhawk.
  • When they don't ration the nuggets.
  • When the episode of Futurama or Family Guy on Adult Swim is one that I have seen in awhile.
  • When Gladiator happens to be showing on TV.
  • When you magically find money in your pockets that you forget from before.
  • When I get an achievement on the Xbox 360 that I didn't know existed or that I wasn't even working for.
What are some of the small things that make you smile?