I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Training Is Over!

I'm back. After over four weeks of training, my life returns to...err, normal. There is a lot that I could talk about that has taken place over the last few weeks. Allow me to provide a few highlights and I will be sure to add more detail in subsequent posts.
  • Ministry Candidacy Process - Since I last posted, I have completed quite a few steps in the process. Recently, I was mailed my candidacy guidebook ($75...woot) and will be meeting with mu candidacy mentor to being working through the guidebook. From what she said, it is still very possible for me to be ready for assignment this coming summer.
  • Two Worlds - I have been pretty pumped about the game Two Worlds for quite a few months now. I finally got the game last week and have played it for about 10 hours. At first I thought it sucked (most people do). The more I play, however, the more I am beginning to like the game. I will talk more about this in a future post.
  • Madden 2008 - I also purchased Madden 2008. The last Madden game I played was in 2006 so I have a lot of catching up to do. So far, I like it!
That's the big news. Please stand by for more regular updates. :)