I update this blog almost every day. It could be about anything: politics & current events, religion, work, geek-related materials. Sometimes I just post random thoughts.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Running Update

So, the running continues. The more I continue running, the more I think back to my days as a track and cross country runner in high school. I am sure as this blog continues you will hear more stories about my high school running days.

I joined track in high school because most of friends wanted to do track. So, I became a distance runner even thought I wasn't all that interested. I was not a runner by any means. Our first run was short, maybe 2 miles. I remember our coach asking us to take our pulse. Mine was at about 160-180 beats a minutes...we had only run one mile. It was definitely an interesting year. My race times showed consistent improvement as I truly had to "get into shape." Three years later, I was in amazing shape, eating any food I wanted, and not even thinking about my weight. I was peeking running 40+ miles a week.

Then, I got to college and let it all go.

I haven't run consistently since the age of 18. The muscle that I gained in high school is still there, but the rest of the body has degenerated. I have next to zero cardiovascular fitness. I am considered overweight, if not close to being obese on the BMI. It will be an interesting road back to some level of running competency.

Every time I have tried to start running again, the biggest hang up has been to "get over" the mileage. What I mean by this is I get caught up in thinking, "How far have I run?" If I realize I have only run two miles, I would get discouraged. It would make the runs feel longer because I kept obsessing about how long my runs were. Now, I plan out the runs before I even head out so that I'm not thinking about the distance; I simply know how I long I will have run when I get back.

The other biggest obstacle was always trying to do too much too quickly. I would usually increase my mileage too fast and I would get injured, frustrated or tired. I have four years of doing running plans, you think I would know better. But, this time it is sticking. I know it will.

I am also appreciating the many benefits of running: weight loss, increased energy, increased matabolism, and no more feelings of being lazy. It is good, and it continues...